
Challenges of the Fresh Produce Industry at POST2024 in Madrid

The XIV National and XII Iberian Congress on Ripening and Postharvest, "Challenges of the Agro-Food System," will be held from June 12th to 14th in Madrid, organized by SECH (Spanish Society of Horticultural Sciences) and the Portuguese Association of Horticulture

Familia Post 14 Valencia-001-2.jpg
04 June, 2024

The XIV National and XII Iberian Congress on Ripening and Postharvest will take place from June 12th to 14th, 2024, in Madrid, focusing on national and international strategies for preventing and reducing food waste. The POST2024, organized by ICTAN/CSIC, SECH, and APH, has its information available on and on the congress website.

The congress will feature invited lectures, roundtable discussions, and interactive sessions addressing research on the implementation of new sustainable technological developments for the preservation of plant products. Research based on the understanding of fruit and vegetable ripening and senescence processes, nutritional analysis, and evaluation of defense systems against pathogens and environmental factors.

The POST2024 congress serves as a platform to present results of basic-applied research to preserve the quality of plant products during postharvest.

This congress is organized by different Spanish and Portuguese scientific associations aiming to ensure plant-based food systems that enhance food and nutritional safety.

Carmen Merodio, President of the Organizing Committee, highlights the relevance of the event's theme, which has gained prominence within national and international strategies for preventing and reducing food waste.

With the increasing societal demand for more vegetables and less meat, the Post2024 congress is an opportunity to showcase the latest and most relevant research, exchange knowledge, and contribute to advancements in fruit and vegetable postharvest with an attractive program of keynote speeches, roundtable discussions, and interactive sessions.

The Post2024, Hispano-Portuguese Congress, will facilitate collaboration and the establishment of professional networks between various research initiatives and the demands of the horticultural sector, a fundamental generator of healthy, naturally produced food.

Here is the link to the Scientific Committee and organizers, as well as the speaker program of POST2024 in Madrid:

Asociación Portuguesa de Horticultura

Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas


Header image: The SECH Congress, POST2014, held in Valencia

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