Janssen PMP
Janssen PMP

Janssen PMP



Preserve the vitality of fresh produce

JANSSEN PMP® (Preservation and Material Protection) a division of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV in Beerse, Belgium is a long-established world leader in the development and formulation of new and highly effective active substances and end-use products for the protection of materials and produce. We have a parallel and equally important focus, which is to protect the health and well-being of the people who use and benefit from our products and the environments in which they are used, from initial application to consumption or disposal.

From harvest to home

Our products are working around the world to protect fresh fruit and vegetables along the Food Chain from processing through transport, storage and shelf, to the consumer’s home; reducing waste and preserving nutritional value.

Our mission

Your reliable worldwide partner in developing sustainable and high-performance solutions for the prevention of biodegradation.

Products / Services

The product portfolio of JANSSEN PMP® is not limited to just the fungicides FUNGAFLOR®, PENBOTEC®, or PHILABUSTER®, but also includes the plant growth regulator FYSIUM®.

FYSIUM® is a unique and patented technology related to 1-MCP. FYSIUM® is an in-situ generation system in which 1-MCP is produced, ensuring the delivery of the appropriate dose at the right moment. FYSIUM® can be considered as the future of 1-MCP because it is produced in a closed system outside the fruit storage room, eliminating worker exposure.

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea