
FAM Centris 400 gives extra shape to red beet of Baltussen Konservenfabriek

Baltussen Konservenfabriek and FAM share a lot of values. They both find it important to reduce waste, invest in quality and food safety, flexibility and innovation. So when Baltussen Konservenfabriek came looking for a cutting solution for its red beets that offered an increased cut quality and more stability, FAM gladly suggested its FAM Centris 400 with the cut shapes gothic arch shred and flat slices.

22 June, 2020
Baltussen Konservenfabriek and FAM share a lot of values. They both find it important to reduce waste, invest in quality and food safety, flexibility and innovation. So when Baltussen Konservenfabriek came looking for a cutting solution for its red beets that offered an increased cut quality and more stability, FAM gladly suggested its FAM Centris 400 with the cut shapes gothic arch shred and flat slices. The gothic arch is a large, innovative shred shape that offers great quality and stability. That was one of the many reasons Baltussen Konservenfabriek chose to use the FAM Centris 400 for the slicing and shredding of its red beets. “We are very glad that we made the decision to switch to the FAM Centris 400”, says Mike Leenders, head of the Technical Department. “The cutting heads are lighter, which makes them easier to handle. And the consistency is impressive: we never have to adjust our cutting head and achieve exactly the same cut every time. For the processing of our red beets three knives were needed in the past. Two for the sides and one for the tapping. Now we use one robust knife and the chance of breaking is nil. This allows constant production at a high cutting quality.” Plant manager Willem van de Ree adds: “It’s also a nice extra that the FAM Centris 400 is a stand-alone machine. Red beets are often processed in spring and autumn, but in fact the production program fluctuates frequently throughout the year, which requires a high degree of flexibility.” That same flexibility can be found in the collaboration with FAM. “When we ask something, they react very fast. And when we have an issue or special request, they think along. We are very happy to have them as our partner.”  Centris product range The FAM Centris 400 is a high-quality centrifugal cutting machine specially developed for the fruit and vegetable industry. It is part of the FAM Centris family, which consists of several mid and high capacity centrifugal slicers and shredders and cutting heads dedicated to specific industries such as the processing of chips, cheese or vegetables. The FAM Centris 400 uses a reliable direct drive and is powered by a carbon-reinforced drive belt and two toothed pulleys with hardened teeth. The patented cutting head features twice as many cutting segments as the first generation cutting heads. As a result, the machine can achieve the same capacity at a lower speed. Since products are subjected to less acceleration, their shelf life increases significantly. Other benefits include reduced product loss and less damage to products. The cutting head features GapSet™ Technology. This technology allows simple, accurate and stable adjustment of the slice thickness. As a result, maintenance time is reduced, and more attention can be paid to the entire production line. Click here to discover in which cutting shapes and sizes the cutting head is available. Baltussen Konservenfabriek, established in 1868, is the oldest preservation factory in the Netherlands. For the first hundred years, this business produced apple syrup, jam and other fruit preserves under the name Betuws Roem. As consumer demand for apple syrup and jam began to decline at the end of the 1950’s, the company gradually moved into the field of preserving vegetables. Germany became an important sales market. The factory is part of a group of food companies.
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