
About us ? We prepare the 2013/14 issue of the Postharvest Directory

The Postharvest Directory, started 15 years ago, explains yearly, about the technology, machinery and materials for the packaging, storage, marketing, ... of fruit, vegetables, and also ornamentals, for growers and packers worldwide. Two years ago the paper book changed to a pdf document that can be downloaded by free on the Internet. This new system has been a success. Last year, from September till now, the downloads exceed

27 March, 2020
The Postharvest Directory, started 15 years ago, explains yearly, about the technology, machinery and materials for the packaging, storage, marketing, ... of fruit, vegetables, and also ornamentals, for growers, packers, distributors, advisers, suppliers, supermarkets, ... worldwide. Two years ago the paper book changed to a pdf document that can be downloaded by free on the Internet. This new system has been a success. Last year, from September till now, the downloads exceed the 3,000; ?you can know the exact number right now and download the document clicking HERE. The options to participate include from several pages to a more economic option that includes the contact data of the company and a list of their products, both in Spanish and English languages If you would like to be informed about participation options, please write us using the email and indicating in the subject "Information about conditions of participation."
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