
Solution for the elimination of astringency in persimmons

Absoger Solución para la eliminación de la astringencia del caqui.png

To eliminate the astringency of persimmon, it is necessary to prevent protein coagulation. There are several methods for this, including exposure to a CO2-rich environment, which is the most common due to the homogeneity of the treatment and its effectiveness.

ABSOGER has developed a solution that allows the removal of astringency from persimmon by this process: an efficient, safe and fully automated method to facilitate operability.


  1. Rack of CO2 bottles or tank to feed the system
  2. Temperature regulation device
  3. Automatic management system of O2/CO2/T°/HR/Pressure levels
  4. Computer monitoring with remote control via PC or Smartphone.


  • Homogeneity of diffusion for a similar result on each pallet
  • Minimal maintenance without consumables
  • Automatic operation, no additional personnel required: only 1 operator
  • Traceability: recording of treatment application data
  • Safety: automatic door locking and gas evacuation system.
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