


Agrosta Wonderfast, versatile fruit texture analyzer with turntable


The Agrosta Wonderfast is a versatile texture analyzer for fruit, featuring an interchangeable turntable.

The AGROSTA device can be used as a penetrometer (apple, pear, strawberry...) or to determine the resistance to crushing (tomato, blueberry, cherry, citrus and blackberry).

The latest version of the Agrosta Wonderfast is even more accurate and easy to use.


  • A spring keeps the fruit on the table during measurements (can be removed for small fruits like blueberries)
  • Extremely precise movement: precision of 0.1 mm thanks to a stepper motor and a precise lead screw with a clamping system
  • A stepper motor with a gearbox drives the turntable for incredible precision
  • Can exert a pressure of up to 12 Kg (24 Kg / cm2 with a tip of 8) so it adapts to almost all fruits. precision 1g
  • Only takes three minutes to determine the firmness of 10 apples on both sides.
  • More than 25 models of turntables, adapted to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Very powerful software for Windows and it comes with a basic version of Excel

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