


BEfresh, a range of products to improve the postharvest

BEfresh, by CITROSOL, is a range of products that provide solutions for extending the shelf life of fruit, vegetables and ornamental plants. BEfresh eliminates ethylene, slowing down the ripening process of perishable products, neutralizing the volatile organic compounds responsible for unpleasant smells and reducing the proliferation of fungal spores. The BEfresh system can be used throughout the distribution chain by growers, exporters, logistics operators, wholesalers and retailers.The BEfresh system is non-invasive and does not interfere with the natural cycle of the products.BEfresh is compatible with organic farming standards.BEfresh granules consist of an absorbent extracted from natural porous clays and potassium permanganate. How does BEfresh work?The action mechanism of BEfresh is based on a two-stage process:Phisical adsortion - Thanks to the combination of natural clays, the potassium permanganate is distributed evenly through all the pores of the clays. This large exposed surface and high natural porosity encourages the subsequent reactive process of the potassium permanganate. Chemical absortion - Once the ethylene comes into contact with the potassium permanganate, a double chemical reaction takes place:1. The ethylene turns into carbon dioxide and water.2. The potassium permanganate turns into manganese oxide. As a result of this reaction, the granules changecolour from violet to brown. More information
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