


CITROSOL, the first postharvest company to achieve the Carbon Footprint Registry Seal

The Valencian company is a pioneer in obtaining this recognition for reducing its carbon footprint for two consecutive years, reflecting its ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability

16 April, 2024

CITROSOL, a leading company in fruit and vegetable postharvest treatments and technology, has received the "Calculo-Reduzco" seal for the second consecutive year. This recognition comes after registering its carbon footprint in the Carbon Footprint Registry, Compensation, and CO2 Absorption Projects of the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The company calculated and recorded its carbon footprint for five years and complied with a plan to reduce its emissions.

Jorge Bretó, CEO of CITROSOL, states:

"We are incredibly proud to announce that CITROSOL has once again received the 'Calculo-Reduzco' seal awarded by the Spanish Office of Climate Change of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). This seal is granted to organizations that calculate and record their carbon footprint for a minimum of four years, have a plan to reduce GHG emissions, and fulfill this reduction commitment with validation from the Miteco. This recognition is the result of our firm commitment to sustainability and reducing our environmental footprint.”

Indeed, this voluntary seal allows organizations not only to demonstrate their commitment to combating climate change but also to promote the assessment and reduction of the carbon footprint, as well as support projects aimed at improving carbon absorption capacity in Spain. Regarding the role of organizations in this challenge, Bretó ensures that:

"At CITROSOL, we firmly believe that companies have a responsibility to protect and preserve our planet for future generations. That's why we have implemented rigorous sustainable policies and practices across all our operations, from production to distribution."

CITROSOL has reduced its emission intensity by 24.6% from the average of the emission intensity in the triennium 2020-2022 compared to the triennium 2019-2021, for scope 1 + 2. Furthermore, when comparing the indicator with the production corresponding to the year 2018, which reflected 84.09 Kg of CO2 per ton produced, with the same indicator for the year 2022, registering 36.08, a reduction of 57.1% in Scope 1 and 2 emissions can be appreciated. As the company's CEO assures:

"This validation seal not only ratifies our past efforts but also inspires us to move forward on our journey towards sustainability. We will continue to seek new ways to reduce our carbon footprint, adopting innovative technologies, optimizing our processes, and collaborating closely with our partners and suppliers to promote sustainable practices throughout our supply chain."


Improvement Plan

In addition to its current achievements, CITROSOL continues its commitment to sustainability through an improvement plan, as Jorge Bretó declares:

"This not only benefits the environment but also boosts our competitiveness and strengthens our relationship with our customers and the community at large. We are committed to leading the change towards a more sustainable future and hope to inspire other companies to join us on this important journey."

Among the measures implemented are the hiring of electricity suppliers with a guarantee of renewable origin, the installation of a photovoltaic plant to reduce dependence on the conventional electricity grid, and the optimization of manufacturing processes to reduce fossil fuel consumption.

Furthermore, the company goes even further with future plans including new, more efficient production equipment, optimizing distribution routes and warehouse management to reduce off-route travel, as well as renewing the vehicle fleet with more efficient and less polluting models. These initiatives reinforce CITROSOL's ongoing commitment to mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable business practices, as Jorge Bretó ensures:

"Obtaining this seal further reinforces our commitment to remain leaders in sustainability in the postharvest sector."


About Citrosol

Although founded in 1994 as Productos Citrosol, S.A., postharvest treatments and technology activity began in the 1960s within Electroquímica del Serpis, S.A., both in Potries, Valencia. As a result of significant organic growth in the last 10-15 years, Citrosol currently has 109 employees, 8 of whom are based in various countries and in its subsidiaries in South Africa, Citrosol South Africa Pty, and Peru, Citrosol Peru. At its Potries facilities, the company has an R&D+i laboratory and a pilot plant of just over 1,200 m2. Its organic growth has been largely due to its strong innovative character, having received the Innovation Award from CEPYME in 2015 and 2020, and the Innovation in Business Award 2020 from the Valencia Chamber of Commerce.

Citrosol began as a specialist in postharvest treatments and technology for citrus fruits, but for more than 10 years now, as a result of its R&D+i work, it has been developing solutions to extend the commercial life of avocados, peppers, tomatoes, peeled garlic, and other fruits and vegetables. Currently, Citrosol is introducing its solution for freshcut produce to the market, the Citrocide® Fresh-Cut System, which significantly reduces the water and carbon footprint in the production of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. With all its treatments and technologies, Citrosol contributes greatly to reducing food losses and waste in fresh fruits and vegetables.

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