Janssen PMP
Janssen PMP

Janssen PMP


FYSIUM®, the plant growth regulator bringing benefits to packers and consumers

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Janssen PMP® brings 1-MCP to you in the most convenient way, partnering with premium service companies worldwide.

The patented FYSIUM® generator uses a tamper-proof cartridge that incorporates three components: A, B and C. In the right quantities these components produce 1-MCP.

Compact and easy to handle, the state-of-the-art FYSIUM® generator has been developed for absolute reliability and minimal risk.

Trained personnel calculate the precise amount of chemicals required (to be put into the cartridge, which will be placed into the generator) for the best results for your fruit.

After this, bring the FYSIUM® generator to your storage area. The effectiveness is later confirmed by sample testing from before and after the treatment.

The FYSIUM® generator is placed outside the storage area and connected by a tube into the internal air stream in the storage area.

FYSIUM® provides the essential link in the fruit-quality value chain.

The end result is fruit that is just as fresh, firm and juicy at the end of a long storage period as it was when it was harvested.

Contact us via info@janssenpmp.com

For more information on FYSIUM®, visit our website.

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