


Macfrut Academy: The European market of avocado and mango

Join Macfrut Academy and don't miss the next video-lesson: 18/01 at 17:00 (GMT+1)

03 January, 2024

Macfrut Academy returns, the innovative digital training platform by Macfrut, designed by the exhibition's team of experts to connect the international fruit and vegetable industry through exclusive and strategic content.

This second video lesson is dedicated to the European market of Avocado and Mango: we will begin once again with an overview of the global production and commercial flows of Avocado and Mango, and then moving on to the European market.

Macfrut Academy will take you into the heart of 4 major strategic wholesale markets for these fruits: Mercabarna in Barcelona, Marché International de Rungis in Paris, Ortomercato in Milan, and Centro Agroalimentare in Rome.

Here, with operators specialized in the trade of Avocado and Mango, we will discuss the commercial dynamics of 2023, market trends, production standards required, and the evolution of packaging.

Additionally, we will delve into consumer needs with testimonies from specialized retailers and Horeca channel operators.

For Italy, we will develop an exclusive focus on the consumption of Avocado and Mango with ISMEA: starting from the analysis of sales and the choices of Italian families' buyers, we will trace the evolution of the category for the future.

The video lesson will conclude with a detailed analysis of Conad's strategies, the main Italian retailer, for building the assortment of exotic fruits and enhancing the value of Avocado and Mango.


Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea