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Can you ripen organic fruit with ethylene?

Ethylene is a natural plant hormone that facilitates the fruit ripening process. Organic fruits benefit from ethylene treatment with predictable, uniform ripening and ready-to-eat quality!

05 September, 2022
Ethylene is a natural plant hormone that facilitates the fruit ripening process. Organic fruits benefit from ethylene treatment with predictable, uniform ripening and ready-to-eat quality! How to use ethylene to ripen organic fruitThe regulations and fruits allowed vary by country: United StatesThe United States’ National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) allows for the use of ethylene as noted in this document. Rule 205.605(b) indicates that ethylene is allowed for post harvest ripening of tropical fruit and degreening of citrus. However, this rule does not say what fruits are defined as “tropical.”  It is our understanding that the determination of what is tropical is made by the fruit handler’s organic certifier. If one wanted to use ethylene on a certain organic fruit they would make a request to the certifier to review the use for compliance. Then the certifier would do the research on whether the fruit in question could be considered tropical and ethylene used in ripening of it. The USDA has a very good website covering certification and a listing of certification agencies, located here. At this time we understand that ethylene is allowed for use on organic bananas, mangoes, avocados….perhaps more. CanadaEthylene is allowed for post-harvest ripening of tropical fruit and degreening of citrus according to this document. United KingdomThe United Kingdom’s Soil Association allows for the use of ethylene under rule 6.2.1 and says “Ethylene can be used in storage for sprout suppression or for ripening of fruits.” Visit the UK Soil Association’s web site here. EuropeAccording to this document, ethylene is allowed for organic bananas and kiwis. Australia and New ZealandThe use of ethylene is only allowed for degreening bananas, kiwis and kakis; degreening of citrus fruit only as part of a strategy for the prevention of fruit fly damage in citrus; flower induction of pineapple; sprouting inhibition in potatoes and onions. See this document for details (Page 93). International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM): In Appendix 4 of this document, ethylene is listed as approved as a “processing and postharvest handling aid.” Applying ethylene to fresh produce accelerates ripening speed, bringing the fruit to optimal quality after it's shipped to its end destination. It's best to use an ethylene generator to deliver the proper ethylene levels to organic fruits for optimal ripening. These generators promote ideal fruit texture and color. Tips for ripening organic fruitYou can ripen your organic fruits effortlessly by following these tips:1) Harvest fruit that is mature, yet still green.2) Store your produce according to the ideal storage temperatures, which vary by fruit type.3) Maintain the proper humidity levels. 4) Vent ripening rooms to decrease carbon dioxide levels.5) Maintain proper ethylene levels to ensure uniform ripening. Optimize organic fruit ripening with ethylene generatorsYou can ripen your organic fruits to perfection with products from CATALYTIC GENERATORS. We created the first ethylene generator 50 years ago, making us the experts you can trust. Contact us for more information on our solutions!
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