
Citrosol will be the diamond sponsor of the VIII International Postharvest Symposium

The International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) is the most important worldwide independent scientific organization in this field. They regularly hold conferences and symposia where renowned researchers meet, as will be the case in the VIII International Postharvest Symposium, to be held next year in the Murcia region. Citrosol will enjoy a prominent position in this international event as a diamond sponsor. The Valencian company wishes to highlight its own fundamental philosophy supporting a symposium which is dedicated to the presentation of the latest advances in the field of post-harvest. "We believe in R+D+I (Research, Development & Innovation); it is in our blood and is the very foundation of our company," explains Benito Orihuel,

30 November, -0001
The International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) is the most important worldwide independent scientific organization in this field. They regularly hold conferences and symposia where renowned researchers meet, as will be the case in the VIII International Postharvest Symposium, to be held next year in the Murcia region. CITROSOL will enjoy a prominent position in this international event as a diamond sponsor. The Valencian company wishes to highlight its own fundamental philosophy supporting a symposium which is dedicated to the presentation of the latest advances in the field of post-harvest. "We believe in R+D+I (Research, Development & Innovation); it is in our blood and is the very foundation of our company," explains Benito Orihuel, Director General of the company, "therefore, we know that we must lend our support to an event such as this, where solutions to new challenges will always be showcased from a scientific point of view." The ISHS is present in 50 countries, has more than 7,500 individual members and a considerable institutional /commercial representation. The VIII International Postharvest Symposium, under the title 'Improving the Supply Chain, for the good of the  consumer: ethical and technological aspects' will take place in Cartagena from 21st to 24th June 2016 and the organizers are looking to present experts from research centers of the highest calibre. North American Scientists from the University of Cornell, the Postharvest Education Foundation and the University of Texas A & M; Stellenbosch University in South Africa; The Center of Plant & Food Research, New Zealand; the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium; the Italian University, Degli Studi Di Foggia; and the Spanish University, Miguel Hernández, will be the "Guest Scientists" with up to 10 presentations in differing areas of postharvest. Citrosol will also be present with its own stand to cater to the professional, on a platform in which the quality of companies’ products is scientifically demonstrated. "We evaluate, verify and are able to demonstrate to our customers with proven technical scientific information,” said Benito Orihuel, highlighting the values and distinctive features of Citrosol.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea