
Urschel joins the fight against Covid-19

URSCHEL is joining inHealth Integrated Care to assist our local medical community. Urschel is using its 3D printer capabilities to manufacture reusable medical masks that inHealth will distribute to health care workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Urschel encourages other businesses with 3D printers to partner with health agencies to make a difference. The masks will be distributed as far and wide as possible. All nursing homes, hospitals, medical treatment centers, fire departments and EMS services have demand for all of this equipment and the supply chain is no longer intact to obtain more. The reserves kept on hand are being diminished across Indiana.

08 April, 2020
URSCHEL is joining inHealth Integrated Care to assist our local medical community. Urschel is using its 3D printer capabilities to manufacture reusable medical masks that inHealth will distribute to health care workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Urschel encourages other businesses with 3D printers to partner with health agencies to make a difference. The masks will be distributed as far and wide as possible. All nursing homes, hospitals, medical treatment centers, fire departments and EMS services have demand for all of this equipment and the supply chain is no longer intact to obtain more. The reserves kept on hand are being diminished across Indiana.“The N95 mask is the gold standard in the Healthcare field, N95 being the rating for particulate filtration. The mask we are producing is the closest we could get to an N95. Since they are not tested for an N rating we cannot say what they do filter and what they do not. However, the material we use is a HEPA material, which is a N99 rating. Meaning it filters smaller particles than the N95. We are confident these masks will offer a level of protection Healthcare providers desperately need that they currently do not have access too.” states Jeff Zielinski, inHealth Integrated Care. 
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea