
Urschel outperforms in COVID-19 times

Covid-19 safeguards were swiftly into place including social distancing, wearing of masks, and shifting some employees to work from home. Other measures included installing non-contact doors activated to open when a person waves over the light sensor and increased routine cleaning of all commonly touched surface areas. Management developed and implemented a comprehensive, multi-pronged plan to keep employees safe and maintain strong operations. Early on, the Procurement Department straightened and deepened the supply chain ordering as much raw material from as many sources as possible. As an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) the bulk of all critical Urschel machine parts are created onsite. Urschel ramped up manufacturing to increase the multi-million-dollar inventory stock the company keeps in hand.

25 March, 2021
In URSCHEL Covid-19 safeguards were swiftly into place including social distancing, wearing of masks, and shifting some employees to work from home. Other measures included installing non-contact doors activated to open when a person waves over the light sensor and increased routine cleaning of all commonly touched surface areas. Management developed and implemented a comprehensive, multi-pronged plan to keep employees safe and maintain strong operations. Early on, the Procurement Department straightened and deepened the supply chain ordering as much raw material from as many sources as possible. As an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) the bulk of all critical Urschel machine parts are created onsite. Urschel ramped up manufacturing to increase the multi-million-dollar inventory stock the company keeps in hand.  The components housed on the shelves were reviewed and alternate parts added in case substitutions needed to be made over time. It was a true test for the entire company as key departments worked together and the customer service department continued to work closely with food processors around the globe. As restaurants closed, food processors supplying to the grocery stores relied on Urschel to keep their lines running optimally. Grocery in-store demand continued to climb. Urschel plant workers and customer service worked diligently to fill customer orders. Shipping delays did occur from time-to-time due to the increase of retail-to-costumer volume stress placed on forwarders.  Zoom software allowed Urschel to accomplish a series of international sales meetings. This offered idea exchanges, pertinent education related to recently released machinery, and valuable input and insight for the research and development teams. Urschel managed to adapt to the changing marketplace and strengthen customer relationships in the process. Through the company’s manufacturing independence, parts are created from raw materials by many skilled craftsmen. Being an employee-owned company, all workers have a keen interest in the ongoing success of the company. Quality of every part and machine is paramount.  Innovative cutting technologyNew advancements enabled Urschel to release five new machine models during the past year: the DiversaCut 2110A Dicer with Discharge Conveyor, the TransSlicer 2520 Cutter available in two models (standard and short frame), the Affinity Integra-D Dicer (U.S.D.A Dairy Division accepted cheeses dicer), and the Affinity CD-L dicer. The focus of these models lies mostly outside of the potato industry. Nonetheless, the engineering advancements developed in the manufacturing will carry forward to subsequent machinery. Urschel has been fortunate to grow alongside the potato processing industry to continue to meet the needs of this constantly changing market.  In these times of COVID-19 when companies are running with minimal essential employees, these machines do not require expert experienced operators to get the perfect slices. Processors prefer this slicers because of the precision slices that equate to even fry times to maximize profits. Customers appreciate the ease of use and refined cutting principle.  Customer expectations Cutting efficiencies, yields and cost per pound of product is what processors are looking to improve as well as product quality, sanitary aspects, the manpower and technical expertise required to run the processes and machine for cutting. Customers are looking for a machine with components that work with their fast-paced line.  Service or support contracts with vendors, such as Urschel, may result in overcoming hurdles related to manpower and technical expertise. Support over-the-phone and via video technology also offer valuable assistance. “Ready-to-ship” parts for quick turnaround is also advantageous. Procedures for swapping out parts should be easily understood with simple steps to follow succinctly.  During de COVID-19 time, exploring new technology may be difficult due to travel restrictions. In-person cutting tests may not be practical. Live test cutting appointments via “ZOOM” and other avenues are growing in popularity. Videotaping or photos of cut products and machinery are also readily available to assess abilities.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea