
The 2nd International Symposium on Discovery and Development of Innovative Strategies for Postharvest Disease Management is starting

The 2nd International Symposium on Discovery and Development of Innovative Strategies for Postharvest Disease Management is held in Ku?adas?, ?zmir, Turkey from 28th of April to 2nd of May, 2013. The symposium, supported by the ISHS, will explore the development and biology of postharvest biocontrol systems and the use the other alternative methods such as physical treatments or

01 April, 2020
The 2nd International Symposium on Discovery and Development of Innovative Strategies for Postharvest Disease Management is held in Ku?adas?, ?zmir, Turkey from 28th of April to 2nd of May, 2013. The symposium, supported by the ISHS, will explore the development and biology of postharvest biocontrol systems and the use the other alternative methods such as physical treatments or natural compounds as additives or stand alone treatments. The long-term goal of this series of symposia is to facilitate the development and use of alternative methods of postharvest disease control as a effective and commercially-viable approach to postharvest disease management on a global basis. The Symposium will provide opportunities to exchange information between scientists, research institutions, and industry on postharvest diseases of fruits and vegetables. It counts on a group of sponsors, including the companies CITROSOL and TECNIDEX, with a broad range of solutions for the postharvest, and responsible, respectively, of conferences about ?Reduction of cooling injury through the use of tiabendazol? (Tecnidex), and ?New alternative treatments for citrus disease management? (Citrosol). The researchers participating in the conference include Silvana Vero, specialist in alternative control strategies, Uruguay; Neus Teixid?, biocontrol agents, Spain; Lluis Palou, edible composite coatings with antifungal compounds, Spain; Tayfun Agar, Turkey, ? and ends with a roundable discussion about the perspectives on basic and applied research for postharvest decay control, with Michael Wisniewski, USA, as moderator. The organizing Commitee is formed by Pervin Kinay Teksur, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, Symposium Convenor;?Michael Wisniewski, USDA-ARS, Kearneysville, WV, and, Co-Chair, and Samir Droby, ARO,-Israel, Co-Chair. ? ? ?
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