Cooling and CA , Measurements

Last generation fruit ripening and refrigeration controllers

VDH Products has been developing and manufacturing mechanical and electronic instruments for measuring temperature, pressure, and relative humidity for over 40 years. It is a modern, customer-oriented company with an international focus. VDH Products is renowned for its innovative capacity, reliability of solutions, and high-quality products. The company has already supplied over 15,000 operating systems worldwide for fruit storage chambers, accumulating extensive knowledge about best practices in the industry. The result is a truly professional system that offers more process parameter options than any other system on the market. Last Generation Fruit Maturation Regulator PROBA 5 is a last-generation fruit ripening regulator, designed for precise and extensive control in tropical fruits. Tropical fruit retailers require fruits with specific levels of ripeness and specific quantities. Professional suppliers must ensure they meet their customers' requirements. With VDH Products' PROBA 5, suppliers can regulate the entire ripening process in their warehouses (a meticulous process involving temperature, gas concentration, humidity, ventilation, and pressure) according to the demands and requirements of their customers. Down to the finest detail, PROBA 5 will enhance competitiveness by improving the quality of the product.

27 July, 2023
VDH Products has been developing and manufacturing mechanical and electronic instruments for measuring temperature, pressure, and relative humidity for over 40 years. It is a modern, customer-oriented company with an international focus. VDH Products is renowned for its innovative capacity, reliability of solutions, and high-quality products. The company has already supplied over 15,000 operating systems worldwide for fruit storage chambers, accumulating extensive knowledge about best practices in the industry. The result is a truly professional system that offers more process parameter options than any other system on the market. Last Generation Fruit Maturation RegulatorPROBA 5 is a last-generation fruit ripening regulator, designed for precise and extensive control in tropical fruits. Tropical fruit retailers require fruits with specific levels of ripeness and specific quantities. Professional suppliers must ensure they meet their customers' requirements. With VDH Products' PROBA 5, suppliers can regulate the entire ripening process in their warehouses (a meticulous process involving temperature, gas concentration, humidity, ventilation, and pressure) according to the demands and requirements of their customers. Down to the finest detail, PROBA 5 will enhance competitiveness by improving the quality of the product. Refrigeration, Storage, and PreservationMC3-FRUIT is a refrigeration, storage, and preservation controller. Fruit handlers want their products delivered within specific timeframes, in certain quantities, and with the best quality. With VDH Products' MC3-FRUIT, they can control the entire storage process, a meticulous process that requires precise regulation of temperature, ambient humidity, and ventilation. The result is an improvement in product quality and, consequently, a more competitive position.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea