
New functionality of the Agrosta Roxanne colorimeter and update of the Apps

AGROSTA's Roxanne has new functionality. Now, the colorimeter is able to average four color measurements on each sample. This makes it a very useful instrument, especially for fruits and vegetables. Have a look! Moreover, Agrosta has updated all Android apps to ensure compatibility with Android 12 and 13. All Agrosta software will soon be downloadable from this website. You can download the latest apps here.

16 May, 2023
AGROSTA's Roxanne has new functionality. Now, the colorimeter is able to average four color measurements on each sample. This makes it a very useful instrument, especially for fruits and vegetables. Have a look! Moreover, Agrosta has updated all Android apps to ensure compatibility with Android 12 and 13. All Agrosta software will soon be downloadable from this website. You can download the latest apps here.  Finally, Agrosta would like to take this opportunity to thank the Czech public research center HOLOVOUSY for including the Agrosta Winterwood instrument in its corporate video.   PictureFruitLab device ready to go to a European research center. FruitLab can measure the firmness, size, and weight of any fruit or vegetable
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